The secret to becoming a thriving creative with a successful business

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I'm Ready To Thrive

Are You Ready To Create A Successful & Thriving Surface Pattern Design Business?

With Weekly Personalised Critique, Feedback & Coaching From An Expert

You want to transform your designs, elevate your business  and unlock your full potential

your pattern designs are going unnoticed
And You're Unsure How To Take Them To The Next Level 

your pattern designs are going unnoticed

And You're Unsure How To Take Them To The Next Level 

But Right Now You're Struggling To Reach The Success You Desire because ....

You're a creative at heart and have a vision for your designs- but somewhere between the ideas and execution you're hitting a wall.

You feel like the market is saturated and standing out is more challenging than ever.

You know you need more than cookie-cutter feedback; you need personalised critique so that you can elevate not only your designs but yourself as a designer.

You may be finding it hard to balance your creative side with the demands of running a design business.

But you know that if you don't treat your business as a business, then you'll end up with a whole lot of designs sitting on your computer gathering dust. 

You dream of selling your designs but you are hearing crickets instead.

You have been working hard at your craft, you’re creating amazing work but you’re just not reaching success no matter how hard you try.

You are feeling overwhelmed & frustrated with not achieving success in your design business 

your pattern designs are going unnoticed

And You're Unsure How To Take Them To The Next Level 

You're worried about what other people will think of your work so you're staying hidden in the shadows

You don't feel like your work is unique or special enough and you're being your own harshest critique

You want everything to be perfect and if it's not you feel like a failure

And you know that you need to work through the your creative blocks but you're not sure where to start

self-doubt is creeping in and you're struggling with staying positive

your pattern designs are going unnoticed

And You're Unsure How To Take Them To The Next Level 

But it won't happen by chance

Or if you continue doing what you are right now

and you're wondering...
is success even possible?

Yes, success is possible for you.

introducing Thrive

An intensive mentorship & coaching program for creatives just like you

Thrive is for you if:

You are wanting weekly personalised, constructive feedback and critique on your work 

OR you are feeling stuck and wanting accountability, guidance and support in refining your pattern designs and collections 

Or you are wanting to elevate and uplevel your work so that you can start monetizing your designs 

OR you are ready to work through your road blocks currently stopping you from reaching success

In this Mentoring & Coaching Intensive you will:

Access twice-monthly group hot seat coaching calls where you can ask your questions and be supported.

Use science-based tools and processes for creative and business growth.
Elevate Your Design Skills
Receive personalised bespoke feedback and advice from an industry expert to refine your designs and develop your critical design eye. 
Build Your Design Business
Set in place strategies to turn your surface pattern design passion into a successful business. 
become a thriving creative
Get weekly bespoke feedback, guidance and accountability so can  stay motivated, inspired, and on track. 

Receive Continuous Support and Guidance

This is what you get when you join thrive:


expert support

When you join you will get access to a very detailed onboarding document. In this document we will be formulating your individual creative goals for our time together.

Once completed and submitted, I will personally review it and send you information on next steps and where to get started. The onboarding document will be our baseline for us to measure your success. 

Then every week you will be encouraged to submit a weekly submission where we can get clear on where you are each week so I can help keep you accountability, support and guide you in achieving your goals.

We’ll be able to monitor your progress and I’ll be there to guide you along the way with any questions you have and I’ll be your biggest cheerleader.


Bespoke critique

You can access bespoke and individual critique and be given real and actionable steps on how to elevate your work. This alone is worth so much value and is what is going to give you HUGE shifts and the ability to really elevate your designs and yourself as a designer. 

Each week you have the opportunity to submit your work for feedback and you will given a loom video showing you exactly how you can up level your design. Clients I have worked with have found this invaluable in being able to not only improve the design they submit but also future designs as well.

I will personally be giving the feedback. It’s not outsourced to anyone else and this is something that isn’t offered in other programs like this. This feedback is very individual to the work you upload and the feedback you receive is thoughtful and honest but given in a very kind and caring way.



coaching calls

You will also be able to access twice-monthly group coaching calls to connect, ask your questions and be supported.

If you can’t make the sessions live you can ask your questions in advance I can answer them for you and you can watch the replay.

I personally really enjoy these calls because not only do I love the beautiful clients I get to work with but I love connecting with them and witnessing their growth.


Join thrive now and receive these game-changing bonuses

plus Receive

exclusive Thrive bonuses

  • Easy to follow step by step video tutorials and training showing you how to create pattern designs and collections from start to finish
  • Learn how to create your designs right from developing your motifs and colour palettes through to creating the most common types of pattern repeats
  • Develop your unique signature design voice so you can stand out and be noticed
  • How to set up your design business so you can start monetizing your designs

Pattern to Product Program

Value $1997

Bonus 1

Receive access to the comprehensive Pattern to Product program where you will learn:

What's included in Pattern to Product:

Create more revenue in your design business by creating multiple income streams. Look at different ways that you can make money selling your designs and an easy step by step process that you can use to contact clients to purchase or license your designs. Find out about the most popular industries so you can see where your designs fit in best so you can get them in front of the right clients.

Bonus 1

Module 6: Boost Your Income And Maximise Your Profits

Creating an inspiring story is at the core of any great collection so this is step 1.
Learn how to you research, develop and communicate your design story and then create an inspirational mood board so you can use it as the foundation for developing your compelling collection.

Module 1: Create A Story For Your Collection

Learn how to create a compelling collection right from design development through to your finished collection. Develop your design ideas into successful pattern designs and collections that clients. Not only will you learn the technical processes in both Photoshop and Illustrator but you'll develop the design skills that you need to become a successful designer.

Module 2: Create A Compelling Collection

Get into the mindset of a successful designer and develop a design practice that will allow you to shine. Developing your own signature voice and design sensibility and letting your uniqueness shine through is so important. This will allow you to drive sales and get known for your distinctive designs.

Module 3: Channel Your Creativity

Promote your collections powerfully so you can present them with the greatest impact. Discover different methods of presenting and tailoring your work to individual clients or customer and making sure your designs stand out for the right reasons.

Module 4: Showcase Your Collections For Success

Set up your business so you can stand out and let your brand be noticed so you can achieve success. Learn the key aspects to set in place that will grow your business successfully. Nailing this is crucial to your success.
 You could be creating the most beautiful and unique designs but if you don't spend time setting your business up for success or marketing with intent, you’ll have a whole lot of beautiful designs that no one will see. 

Module 5: Set Up Your Rewarding Design Business

Value $997

Bonus 2

Elevation Program

Receive access to the transformative Elevation program where you will:

  • Discover your unconscious beliefs that are currently stopping you reaching success.
  • Learn how to let go of anything that isn't serving you through the use of science-based tools and processes.
  • Learn the process to stepping into the new empowering version of yourself NOW

What's included in Elevation:

This is your first aid kit so you can reach your thriving identity. There will be times where you will fall back into your surviving identity. It's inevitable for all of us but the trick is being able to shift out of this quickly.
In this module you will be given tools that you can use in the moment to help you to stop any negative thought patterns and switch into your thriving identity.

Bonus 2

Module 6: Pattern Interrupt

Find out what your gap is between being a surviving creative to becoming a thriving creative. The most essential element in reaching the identity of a thriving creative is YOU. And the thing is, we often stand in our own way in becoming successful. 
In this module, you will learn what's holding you back from reaching your thriving identity

Module 1: Identity

Discover how to use Flow State so that you are creating work at your highest possible calibre. In this module you will learn how to access flow, your intuition and a growth mindset so you are creating work that is authentically you, you're being efficient with your creative time and developing work that is showing your true potential.

Module 2: Flow

Discover what's really holding you back from reaching your creative success. We will discover your hidden, underlying blocks and limiting beliefs stopping you from achieving your creative success. This process is a deep dive into what's really holding you back. Once we uncover your limiting beliefs, we can then implant new and empowering beliefs to replace them. 

Module 3: Creative Success

Find out what's holding you back from reaching your business success. The limiting beliefs you have in regards to your business success will be different to your creative ones. We will use the same process to discover your true, underlying limiting beliefs in the area of business success and we will implant new and empowering beliefs to replace them.

Module 4: Business Success

Get the step by step practical guide so you can start getting amazing results and reaching your goals. In this module I will give you a step by step plan to follow every day so that you can start stepping into your thriving identity with science based tools including modalities such as hypnosis and NLP techniques. You will also be given processes and steps to achieve flow state.  

Module 5: Elevation Practice

There is literally nothing like seeing your designs come to life on products.
It's a feeling that never gets old, even for experienced designers

And now it's your turn!

You are a great teacher and generous with your knowledge

- Jasmin

A very big thank you for your wonderful course. It has been a fantastic experience & one I enjoyed immensely.  I think you are a great teacher & are very generous with both your knowledge & creative talent. I could not imagine anyone else offering what you do & delivering to the same standard. 

Constructive feedback to help us grow

- Leslie

Before I joined I was skeptical. I had never taken an online course before but I just wanted to do it so much that I tried it. I'm just so glad I jumped in and did it.

I think one of the greatest things about your program is that you provide feedback. We can do the trainings on our own time and then put them in front of you and you always have constructive feedback to help us grow. That's just so valuable to have your eyes on that.

But maybe you're thinking

What's going to move the needle is having, feedback, critique, support and accountability so you can grow yourself and your creative business.

'I've tried other courses, and all of the things and I'm still not getting anywhere...

OR the market is saturated so what's the point...

OR I can just do this on my own...'

But, here's the thing...

To be successful there's more to it than that.
You can take all of the courses, watch all of the You Tube videos, do what other designers are doing but that's not going to bring you success.

I help amazing women create beautiful pattern designs and collections in their own unique style, build their own creative businesses and step into the thriving versions of themselves.

Having completed a Bachelor of Textile Design and working  in the textile and surface pattern design industry since 2004, and having experience teaching surface pattern design at a leading university, I have developed a proven system.

I have been able to use culmination of all of my experience to mentor and coach hundreds of creatives through my courses and offerings.

Learn From

Surface pattern design expert, artist, mentor and coach.

Meet Rachelle Holowko

Apply now

I've helped hundreds of creatives just like you!

then I would love to help you in the 

So if you are looking to start turning your dream into a reality, you are looking for another way to monetize the art they create and you're ready to reach your highest potential.... 

It was fun!

- Amy

If you are looking around to find a class to join I would not hesitate to join this class. It was valuable to get the information needed and give me the confidence and the feedback and positive things you us was wonderful. It was fun! Do it, invest in yourself!

The critiques were invaluable

- Cathy

I was really nervous about the commitment of joining but the videos made it so easy. I'm self taught using Photoshop so it was really great learning how to do it properly.  It's such a great manual to look back on, even if you don't get through everything straight away. The critiques from you were invaluable as well

You can do it!

You can turn your creative passion into a reality by kick-starting your career as a surface pattern designer and living the life of your dreams today

Ready? Apply Now and start living your dream

Feedback on your designs

- Yui

There are lots of courses out there that you can learn the technical side but not that many that will give you feedback. If you want to develop your style and improve, then I think this course it the best one.


"...Rachelle has been an amazing mentor, not only providing the technical aspect of the industry, but also insights on how to develop your pattern design and business"


"Rachelle is so open, helpful and giving of her knowledge.
I can’t express how happy I am to have seen that one ad in Facebook that day.”

"...Rachelle is a wonderfully encouraging, enthusiastic and knowledgeable tutor, and her style and enthusiasm resonate throughout the course. 


expert & Bespoke feedback, support and accountability

This is the real secret ingredient to success

Stop feeling stuck not knowing how to elevate your designs to the next level. Take advantage of expert 1:1 feedback

Don't feel overwhelmed not knowing where to get started and how to move through any blocks that you have. We're here to break it down and make it simple

No more trying to figure it own on your own and hoping to reach your goals. We'll hold your hand every step of the way

How does the support work?

You will receive access to:

Bespoke and individual critique with real and actionable steps on how to elevate your work

Each week you have the opportunity to request feedback on your work and you will given a loom video showing you exactly how you can up level your design. This is individual and bespoke and will give you actionable steps and advice

Individual and personal goals for our time together and accountability to help you achieve them

Science-based tools and processes to help you work through any blocks you may have that are stopping you achieving your success

Twice-monthly group coaching calls to connect, ask your questions and be supported

It's definitely worthwhile exploring

- Judi

Anyone who's interested in surface pattern design or exploring your course should just do it. It's an opportunity missed if you have a dream of doing this. It's definitely worth exploring.

what students are saying

are you ready

To have access to expert feedback and critique? 

Have accountability so you stop trying to figure it all out on your own?

To start monetizing your art by creating successful pattern designs?

To build a business doing something you love?

click here to apply now

intenstive Now

Join the 

The Thrive program is currently only available by application only

what students are saying

Still got questions?

When does the Thrive Intensive start?

Thrive starts as soon as you sign up! Once you join you will receive an email with all of the information you need to get started. If you don't receive the email please check your junk and spam folders. If it doesn't arrive within 24 hours, please contact us at

How Long Will I Have Access To Mentoring & Coaching?

You will have either 3 months or 6 months access to mentoring and coaching depending on the package you purchased.

When are the Group coaching calls?

The group coaching calls are held twice per month. You will receive the times and dates in your welcome email. If you are unable to make it live you can presubmit a question which will be answered for you and you can watch the replay.

How does the mentoring & Coaching work?

When you join you will be sent a comprehensive onboarding document where you will set out what you want to achieve in our time together. Each week you then have the opportunity to submit work for feedback as well as receiving support, accountability and guidance in achieving your goals.

what artistic level do i need?

As long as you are able to put pen to paper, you can succeed in the course. It’s all about developing your own personal style. For some that will be intricate and lifelike motifs while for others that could be abstract and textural motifs. You will be given lots of different techniques to help develop your design skills and flourish as a designer.

What tools do I need?

The bonus course 'Pattern to Product' contains tutorials in Illustrator CC and Photoshop CC so you will need access to one or both of the programs (depending on your preference). You can use earlier versions of the programs too however all tutorials are demonstrated in Adobe CC.
It’s up to you whether you want to want to work in both programs or just one. I do recommend taking the time to learn both in the long run.

You’ll also need a computer of course:) and any drawing or mark making materials that you are interested in exploring.

How Long Will I Have Access To The Bonuses?

You will have access to the course content for the lifetime of the courses

As Seen in